If lacquers or metal parts are supplied, test pressings are required. All content being pressed at United is listened to for copyright issues before finished goods are pressed and a test pressing is the only way this can be done.
If you send in audio and choose to forego test pressings, United will not be responsible for any sound quality issues on your finished product. This includes skips, pops, surface noise, static, etc.
Please contact us or your account manager to discuss current estimated completion times.
We will press your tests in the same weight as your production order.
To prevent any delays with the production of your records, it’s recommended to review and approve your test pressings as quickly as possible.
Please contact us or your account manager to discuss current estimated completion times.
When listening to your tests, you should be checking to make sure the songs are in the correct order. You should also check for any sound quality issues. The reason you are sent multiple copies of your tests is so you can compare any quality issues to see if they appear consistently in the same spot on each test pressing. If it is consistent on each test, notify your account manager to have the quality team investigate your issues.
You can check your test pressing on any turntable you have available; however, it is not recommended to use a portable turntable or low quality models.